Greenwashing / Regulation & Reporting

Learning Zone Resources -
A Tool Kit for Sustainable Marketers

Completed our 100 Points Challenge yet? These resources support you with your Sustainable Marketer Manifesto commitments. Aim to reach the minimum 100 points of knowledge to achieve your Sustainable Marketer Certification. We recognise it’s self-certification, and it’s down to you to do the learning - but that’s where it starts… with education and growing your own awareness. Keep checking back in - as we add resources weekly

The Green Claims Code - 10pts

More people than ever are concerned about the environmental impact of the products and services that they buy. We know businesses want to be honest with their customers about their green credentials, but it may not always be clear how to do this. The Green Claims code, regulation from the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). View here.

Green Claims Developments Global Drive: Developments in the UK, US and EU - 5 pts

Useful summary of recent developments and greenwashing regimes across UK, US and EU.

More here.

Sustainable Reporting - Unravelling the GRI standards with Simon Pitsillides 5 pts

Whilst more organisations are starting to drive a more sustainable agenda - reporting on the impact and outcomes of those initiatives has never been more important. Consumers, employees and investors are calling for more transparency and visibility. In this podcast we discuss reporting frameworks, CSR, ESG, GRI and how organisations are working together to create a single reporting standard. No easy task considering the breadth of organisations, sectors and issues. Simon shares his experience, expertise, real world challenges and advice as to how organisations navigate this thorny path. Listen now

ASA Codes and Rulings - 5pts

Stay up to date with the latest greenwashing rulings. This is a great way to increase your understanding of what constitutes greenwashing and, see the detail and reasons behind the claims on an on-going basis. View here.

EU Green Deal - Proposal for a Directive on Green Claims
5 pts

With a proposed new law on green claims, the EU is taking action to address greenwashing, and protect consumers and the environment.

Ensuring that environmental labels and claims are credible and trustworthy will allow consumers to make better informed purchasing decisions. It will also boost the competitiveness of businesses who are striving to increase the environmental sustainability of their products and activities.

More here.

US Greenwashing Regulation - Podcast discussion with Laura Brett, VP, BBB National Programs’ National Advertising Division - 5 pts

As regulations and guidelines in and around sustainability continue to evolve, tighten up and support a better future around managing both what we do AND say, we spoke to Laura Brett whose remit is to lead the US system of advertising self-regulation looking at advertising claims to make sure what is being said is the truth, (like the Advertising Standards Agency – ASA, in the UK).

Listen here.

Complementary Use and Linkage of the GRI Standards and B Lab’s B Impact Assessment
5 pts

With an increase in the number of companies using both GRI Standards and B Lab’s B Impact Assessment, (listed in resources above) and the importance of harmonised efforts to report and manage organisational impacts, this document provides an overview of how the two can be used to complement one another. It also clarifies their similarities, differences, and overlaps.

There’s a useful spreadsheet - providing a comprehensive assessment and starting point for organisations. Read more

Can Marketing Save the Planet Podcast with Cecilia Parker-Aranha, CMA - 5pts

In this episode, we dive deeper into the Green Claims Code - speaking with Cecelia Parker Aranha, Director of Consumer Protection at the CMA (Competitions and Markets Authority).

The Green Claims Code came into force in the UK in January 2022, so still pretty fertile territory. Cecilia shares why the Green Claims code came about; what it sets out to do and importantly, what brands and organisations need to consider to ensure they comply. Listen here.

What is CSRD? - Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
5 pts

The EU is bringing sustainability reporting in line with financial reporting, with the introduction of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). The new framework will be rolled out in a phased approach from 2024. It will require companies to report on how sustainability issues, such as climate change, impact their business and how their operations in turn affect people and planet – a unique principle called ‘double materiality’. 

More here. And useful YT video explainer here.

GRI Standards - What are they - and how you can use them
5 pts

The GRI Standards help organisations’ understand their outward impacts: on the economy, environment, and society. This increases accountability and enhances transparency on their contribution to sustainable development.

Explore more . Also see ‘what’s changed’ for 2023 here.